The Universe

The Universe. Where did it come from?

When was the Universe created? How was it created? The opinions are as varied and numerous as all the Life-forms on the planet. But one thing I know for sure. You can read every link on this site and you still won't find the answer.

That's because it's the one thing that every scientific, religious and philosophic explanation all have wrong.

What is the Universe? How was it created? What is it made of? How did Life evolve within it?

These are questions scientists have attempted to answer since the first man asked the first question. Those who believe in him give God credit, but the “God” theory has problems.

The Big Bang theory is considered the most likely explanation by scientists… but the Big Bang theory has problems too. The problem? Even if God did come first and created everything or if the universe started from a sub-atomic particle of matter… where did they come from?

What existed before God or that little piece of star stuff?